Thursday 23 April 2020


The Lambeth Palace Library describes their new library building as 'magnificent'.

Yes, 'magnificent'. That is what they said, in print and all over their social media platforms. 

Seeing as we're all chucking about superlatives these days, might I venture an alternative suggestion of my own? Say, 'monstrosity'?

I'm sorry, but poetic licence can only be pushed so far. I've seen cardboard delivery boxes from Amazon and pallets of crushed plastic bottes destined for recycling with more soul. Magnificent is way too generous; and on my part, monstrosity is way too kind.

Lego is not architecture, dear Lambeth Council, and Minecraft is not a design software program.

It looks like a Soviet prison, gun turrets and all. Reminds me of Shawshank Redemption; sans the redemption.

*Before the usual suspects pile in, I'd like everyone to know that I now self-identify as a design and architecture expert and critic.

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