Monday 16 May 2022

The Margaret Thatcher Statue

Turns out, Thatcher's statue was pelted with eggs within hours of being installed.

It's a chunk of bronze. It can't feel a thing, but a few grocers made a mint out of selling eggs to some infantalised morons.

I can assure you, Maggie didn't feel a thing. Even if her soul resided in that effigy.

No one did. You probably got off on it, but that's a week's breakfast you lobbed on to a statue. So much for the cost of living crisis. 

Food bank, anyone?

"Why are you hungry?"

"I just chucked 7 days' breakfast on a statue of a person who died before my kids were born. She stole their milk. Before they were born. Actually, someone who was Prime Minister even before I was born."

And I'll bet the grocers are celebrating the grocer's daughter, as am I. As I am sure Maggie is, wherever she is. A fool and his money are soon parted.

Fucking idiots.

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