Monday 16 March 2020

The Joker Was Right

The shelves in most supermarkets are empty.

The SOCIALIST talks of socialism and the faked virtue of social justice, and yet, he went out, and he hoarded and hoarded.

The CONSERVATIVE, him of the Big Society, of community compassion, abandoning all principles of Conservatism, went out, and he hoarded and hoarded.

The CHRISTIAN talks of Jesus feeding the five thousand, of loving thy neighbour, and yet, he went out, and he hoarded and hoarded.

The MUSSALMAN talks of Zakaat and Sadaqah, of Mercy, and yet, he went out, and he hoarded and hoarded.

The SIKH, he of the free Guru ka Langar, open to one and all, went out, and he too, hoarded and hoarded. 

The JEW, him of the Tzedakah and the ethical obligation of charity, went out, and he, like everyone else, hoarded and hoarded.

The Joker was right:
“Their morals, their code; it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. You'll see. I'll show you. When the chips are down these, ur these 'civilized people'? 

They'll eat each other."

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