Tuesday 11 January 2022

I am Djokovic

Novak Djokovic does not have Covid. This could be and should have been tested and proved in the space of a few hours.

Novak Djokovic is not some shady terrorist or a danger to Australian society. He isn't planning on claiming asylum or be a drain on public resources. He's there to play a bit of tennis and then he'll go back home. The Australian Open will be all the richer for it. Australia would be all the richer for it. The world of tennis would be richer for it.

Novak Djokovic (or the people who manage his admin) got the visa application wrong. They forgot to cross a "T" or dot an "i" somewhere, but hey, some bureaucrat on a power trip is getting off on this. Nothing new here.

Everyone knows why Novak Djokovic is in Australia. He's not there to snog the locals. He's there to hit a ball with a racquet.

Australia's lost the plot.


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