Tuesday 12 May 2020

Episode IX: The Demise of Skywalker

I just saw Episode IX.

Disney, being Disney, completely ruined it, spilling over 40 years of history down an exhaust vent.

Why weren't Darth Plagueis the Wise, Anakin, Luke, AND Rey the same person fighting Palpatine across four generations? It would have made more sense and linked (I, II, III) with (IV, V, VI) and (VII, VIII, IX) with a much better, far more fluid continuity. 

Also, Dameron was good, but did he HAVE to be a Solo tribute act? Another trick missed.

Lucas owes himself a major rethink. He certainly owes me a major remake. While I've privately uttered the choicest expletives under my Covid19 mask, which if broadcast would amount to a series of R2-D2esque bleeps, I've also sent George a strongly-worded letter C-3PO would be proud of.

Oh! If any of this has just whizzed way past your midi-chlorian-devoid head like the 2020-BX12, don't bother asking. I'd have to fill you in on a saga that began in 1977, with far more heart-rending complexities than you could possibly imagine. They don't make attention spans like they used to. 

Or epics, as it turns out.

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