Saturday 10 August 2019

OMG Recession!

As reportage sets on the 0.2% retraction of our economy, it is sickening to see the Left and arch Remainers go into a collective orgasm, as if they desperately willed it to happen. It's like a culmination of all their wet dreams coming (cumming? Lol!) true.

Why is no one talking about the trouble the EU is in?

Brexit has laid bare the failed economic model of the European Union, and those who will not see this are as good as blind. The EU is on the edge of a financial meltdown. Youth unemployment is as high as it has never been. The Euro is artificially propped up by the bankrupt ECB. The Deutsche Bank is on the brink of what will make 2008 seem like a picnic. It's only a matter of time. And anyone know what's going down in France? Or Italy? Well, you haven't been paying attention.

Massive financial and economic turbulences are ONLY ever caused by government interference, widescale collusion and wholesale policy. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Demand and supply for food, services, housing, clothing (roti, kapda aur makaan) are best left to local market forces, who would lose their shirt if they get resource allocation wrong; which is why they tend not to.

Centralised resource allocation is too much power in too few hands, the decision making prowess of which rests on 'Joe mustn't eat steak. Steak is bad for him; therefore no one must eat steak'. Nothing represents the EU and its institutions better than that.

Politicians and bureaucrats, and lately, so called 'celebrity' journalists lose nothing if they get business decisions and proclamations wrong - most of them have never been in the trenches anyway, so they can preach all the pseudo-economics they want. If they get kicked out, they could always write a book, or hit the after-dinner speaker circuit for £5,000 an hour. In the meantime, we HAVE to pay them to peddle thier voodoo quackery on pain of going to prison.

As for this thing about Northern Ireland farmers having to kill 45,000 cows because the Republic of Ireland will refuse supplies of milk from us, and obliterate their milk processing industry just to help the European Union spite us and teach us a lesson is the stupidest thing I have heard. Whatever 'expert' suggested that has indirectly called the Irish nation stupid. Over milk. Ferfuxake.

Yes, Brexit WILL cause a little blip and a fair bit of disruption, just as all major changes do. Much of it won't be because of Britain. It will be because of the EU and it's highly restrictive trade practices.

It won't be made easier by those turncoats in Britain that are in thrall of the EU Cartel, their noses deep in the trough of rigged markets and opaque pseudo economic models. Those that are of the misguided opinion that we are a useless country full of uneducated racist bigots, unfit to clean their shoes.

I have news for them:

We're going to smash it. Despite you.

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