Thursday 7 March 2019

God Bless America

The yappy Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of the Green New Deal admits on national television that she uses tons of plastic bags from the grocery store and that she throws them all away. Her reason? Lack of recycling facilities.

Why doesn't she reuse the plastic bags or bring her own reusable bags?

I tend not to delve into the warped, psychedelic world of American politics but the double standards of politicians is pretty much the same everywhere. Like socialists who publicly denounce private education, while sending their own children to the very schools they froth at the mouth against. But I digress. Back to Ocasio-Cortez, the one without a cortex...

I have 4 hessian bags I bought sometime in 2003-2004. They have stayed with me for three house moves since then. One lies in my car and three at home. Save the occasional shopping I do on impluse, I almost always use them for my bi-weekly shop, they're still as good as new. The plastic ones I get, after grudgingly paying 5p (7¢) end up being reused until they fall apart. That's when I chuck them.

I tend to avoid supermarkets as much as possible and buy produce from local shops, which generally have a shorter shelf life. This means I shop twice a week and do not buy more than I need. It also means that all the local shopkeepers know me and my family well, and always greet me with a smile and give me excellent service. Occasionally, they throw in a little freebie. I like to believe I contribute to the prosperity of my neighbourhood.

Bottom line is, if you won't support your local community shops with your custom, if you won't eliminate or minimise your waste for the sake of your convienience, and expect the government to clean up after you, you're doing life wrong.

You table a plan to save the world in your own hackneyed way, and then you admit to being an irresponsible throw-away culture child. Not a good look.

When you discard three layers of heat-sealed shrink wrap and a plastic bag because you bought a fillet of fish, the folks from your local authority WILL clean it up. They will use vehicles, machines, and an army of drivers, cleaning staff and logistics managers to take out the trash you did not need to generate.

And guess who pays for all this?

The little people. The cleaners, the nurses, the corner shop owners, the teachers, the sales assistants, the janitors, the taxi drivers, the warehouse workers, the mechanics, the builders, the policemen, and yes the guys who make the big bucks.

That horse you're on is a tad high. Now I'm no Trump fan, but stupid begets stupid. Trump exists because the likes of you exist. You made Trump. The balance in the Force, if you will.

The Donald is probably the 'reset to factory settings' button America desperately needs to eliminate the virus the Left has morphed into. He's the unpleasant medicine America has to swallow to rid itself of a greater malaise the Left is dragging all Western democracies into. He shoots from the hip, but then so do you. Neither of you are good shots by any stretch of the imagination.

For every gaffe PrezT makes, someone marches down the street, their face smothered in menstrual fluids, screaming that MAGA caps are frightening to even look at, while wearing a styrofoam replica of bleeding gentitalia on their head.

Who the hell is this helping?

Not you. Not America. Not me. Not anyone, anywhere in the world.

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